Spotless Spaces: Explore the Essential Janitorial Services That Make up Commercial Cleaning

Humans thrive in clean and organized environments. Whether it’s your home or workplace, spending time in a tidy space will support both your physical health and mental well-being. 

It’s also worth noting that maintaining a clean work environment has a positive impact on employee retention. When workers feel like their employees care about their health and well-being, they’re more inclined to stick around. A clean work environment ensures fewer call-outs, as well, because employees are less likely to fall ill. Consequently, janitorial services are a sound investment for businesses. 

Thankfully, commercial cleaning companies offer a host of services designed to keep all kinds of facilities spotless. In providing their cleaning services, they free up their clients to focus on what they do best. 

Wondering what standard janitorial services might include? If you enlist help from a reputable commercial cleaning company, here’s what you can expect for the spaces in your building. 

1. Break Rooms

Break rooms serve as a place for unwinding, socializing, and eating meals. As such, it’s important to ensure they’re always clean and inviting. 

Commercial cleaning companies offer a range of services designed to keep break rooms tidy and fresh, including:

  • Disinfecting surfaces
  • Dusting fixtures 
  • Cleaning appliances 
  • Removing trash
  • Vacuuming carpets 
  • Mopping floors

Maintaining a clean break room can boost morale while preventing the spread of germs, especially in such a busy shared space. 

2. Restrooms 

Restrooms are high-traffic areas that require constant attention to ensure continued cleanliness. As such, commercial cleaning companies tend to spend a lot of time on a client’s restrooms. Services typically include:

  • Restocking soap, paper towels, and toilet paper
  • Removing trash
  • Disinfecting surfaces and plumbing fixtures 
  • Cleaning the floors 

Keeping the bathrooms clean prevents the spread of disease. It also lets employees and visitors know that you genuinely care about their health.

3. Lobbies

Your lobby is essentially the face of your company. Keeping this area tidy will demonstrate the utmost professionalism and leave a good impression on everyone who enters the building, including potential clients. Lobby cleaning services typically include:

  • Floor-to-ceiling dusting 
  • Trash removal 
  • Sweeping and mopping 
  • Vacuuming 
  • Polishing surfaces

With regular lobby cleaning, your facility will always be ready to dazzle whoever might walk through the door. 


Businesses of All Kinds Can Count on The Professionals for Janitorial Services 

At The Professionals, we provide top-notch janitorial services that are tailored to the unique needs of each and every client. Whether you operate an apartment building, office park, daycare, spa, salon, tattoo studio, health care facility, or manufacturing plant, we can help you keep it safe, sanitary, and organized. To discuss the commercial cleaning services you need, give us a call at (720) 213-8662.


  • Traci McKay

    Traci McKay is the founder of The Professionals Cleaning Service. She has been in the industry for more than 20 years and is devoted to providing exceptional and reliable commercial cleaning services for businesses across Denver.

Traci McKay

Traci McKay is the founder of The Professionals Cleaning Service. She has been in the industry for more than 20 years and is devoted to providing exceptional and reliable commercial cleaning services for businesses across Denver.